Thursday, May 17, 2012

Escape Velocity!

“ESCAPE VELOCITY.  Now we're stuck paying Eduardo's taxes for him!  Everyone who doesn't pay their share shifts the burden to someone else.  When the super-rich do super well, they should pay their share.  Only the mega-rich can trip off to Singapore.  I as a wage-earner can't.  Can you?  Only the ridiculously wealthy can achieve economic escape velocity.  What a dodge.  He drinks deep of the benefits of our nation, and now I'm stuck with Eduardo's bill?!  It's outrageous.  Think of all the services Eduardo enjoyed -- in particular a JUSTICE SYSTEM that allowed him to get his money back after Zuck tried to screw him.  The justice system and countless other elements that subtly helped him succeed are born in part of our national infrastructure -- paid for through taxes.  Yes, what Eduardo did is not fair and SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.”
…..Cullen Bach, 2012

Now, I have no idea who Cullen Bach is…and quite frankly, I don’t give a flying……

This is what this fool wrote on a comment board in response to a story about Eduardo Saverin renouncing his US citizenship.

You do know who Saverin is, don’t you?

No…he is not a politician…he is not member of some royal family ensconced in some faraway land.

He is simply a guy from Brazil who came here to the USA, studied hard, became a co-founder of Facebook…was kicked out of his job several years ago…went to live in Singapore…and now stands to make a small fortune (or large fortune depending on your own definition) from his stock in Facebook as it goes IPO.

Today’s blog is not about Saverin…I don’t care what he does, I don’t care what his reasons are, I don’t care what people think of him…it simply does not matter….but what DOES matter is the thinking that has led so many people like Cullen Bach to make so many stupid comments like the one above.

That, my friends, is the outpouring of understanding and all-inclusiveness that comes from the left.

In a nutshell, this fool has displayed the total ignorance of the left and those who follow the words of the Usurper-in-Chief with baited breath …those fools who live breath and dream about Obama and his righteous ways of thinking.

This quote is one of the clearest examples of leftist stupidity that I have seen in several minutes (not days, not even hours…minutes…the stupidity from the left is a continual barrage.  A never ceasing cacophony of lies and general noise designed to overpower the senses and drive the listener into a Democratic controlled coma…a coma from which the only escape is to vote for Obama!)

I have to tell you, I have never seen anything like this in my life…when Obama makes a statement (which is usually little more than a lie dressed in emotionally inspiring words)...his adoring mindless fans are all ready to jump into his skinny lap and lick his face….

But I digress.

I want to look at the above quote a little more closely.

He starts off with the term…escape velocity.

In physics, escape velocity is the speed at which the kinetic energy plus the gravitational potential energy of an object is zero.  It is the speed needed to "break free" from a gravitational field without further propulsion. To escape the gravitational pull of the earth, one must be travelling at around 17,000 miles per hour. I don’t know about you, but my car just doesn’t go that fast…so, unless something amazing happens, I am stuck on this earth doing what I do to make a living and support my family.

However, a small handful of people have been able to break free. They have managed to meet escape velocity and left the gravitational force of earth. Their numbers are few…they are the astronauts of various nations, and the wealthy civilian astronauts. They have proven that it can be done…but no matter how hard we try, not everyone can do it.

Let’s keep that in mind as we follow this idiot’s thinking.
His opening two words remind us that not everyone is the same….a very good point.

He then says…” Now we're stuck paying Eduardo's taxes for him!  Everyone who doesn't pay their share shifts the burden to someone else.”

Really?  Did you get a bill telling you that YOU have to pay Eduardo’s taxes? I don’t recall getting that, or, if I did, I must have thrown it out….

Of course, this fool brings in the “share” argument…what is Eduardo’s share, Cullen? What would you like to see him pay? Maybe you would like to tell me how much he has already paid? Maybe, since you are so adamant that he has not paid his share, you are his tax accountant gone rogue? Maybe you have some very special insight into Eduardo’s personal finances?

Yes? I didn’t think so.

You have no knowledge of what he has paid or done…and yet you believe he hasn’t paid his share (whatever the hell that is!).

Now, what is this about burden shifting?

Perhaps if the government reduced spending, the burden would be shifted away from all taxpayers…and I suggest they start by reducing entitlements. That would shift the burden of surviving in the real world from the taxpayer to the individual…now THAT is the type of burden shifting I am in favor of.

But it seems our Mr. Bach wants the rich to carry the burden and for God’s sake not let any of that burden fall on the less rich.

As you can see, this guy is far from a mental  giant!

Moving on, he says… “When the super-rich do super well, they should pay their share.  Only the mega-rich can trip off to Singapore.  I as a wage-earner can't.  Can you?  Only the ridiculously wealthy can achieve economic escape velocity.  “

OK…so he starts off with the share claptrap all over again. Oh well…as I say …stupid is as stupid says…

But then he gets into the jealousy thing….only the super rich can do this…I as a wage earner can’t….oh boo hoo…you are not going to see any tears from me.

While I am sorry that you are simply a wage earner, sir, I am going to suggest that if you got off your ass and did something about it, you may have a chance to join the ranks of the super-rich. You see, Eduardo did not work for wages…he did something different…he took a risk…it paid off…and now he is super rich.

I have to ask you, sir, why you have a problem with this? Or do you want the super-rich folk to give you what they have so that you can be rich too, without working for it? Now, I know you are going to mount the “luck” argument…and yes, some people get super rich through luck…isn’t that exactly why so many people waste their money on lottery tickets? Just in case they can get lucky? Just one time? Pretty please?

Your ENTIRE argument is predicated on jealousy, sir. But don’t worry; you are in good company…that is the left’s stock in trade!

So, he then says….” What a dodge.  He drinks deep of the benefits of our nation, and now I'm stuck with Eduardo's bill?!  It's outrageous.  Think of all the services Eduardo enjoyed -- in particular a JUSTICE SYSTEM that allowed him to get his money back after Zuck tried to screw him.  The justice system and countless other elements that subtly helped him succeed are born in part of our national infrastructure -- paid for through taxes.  Yes, what Eduardo did is not fair and SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.”

Sigh…this is getting so boring! Again the lie about being stuck with Eduardo’s bill…no, sir, you are not!

And then he takes a LEFT turn…all the services that Eduardo enjoyed? Huh? You mean the very same services that YOU and every American resident, citizen or not, illegal or not, gets to enjoy? You mean the justice system that ensures that justice is meted out to ALL parties regardless of race, color, or creed? Are they the services you are speaking of?

I know that you would prefer to see these services kept from some people and given only to those who fit your requirements or definition of need. Just as you refuse to define fair, so you also refuse to define need…Cullen, you are so screwed up in your thinking that it is now getting ludicrous.

And finally…” Yes, what Eduardo did is not fair and SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.”

Once more…it is not fair….oh, boo hoo…life isn’t fair you tool…and the sooner you realize that the sooner you will stop crying in your beer and start doing something to change your situation.

Or you could run home to mommy crying …”It isn’t fair!”

You know what, fool? I don’t care. Nothing in the constitution talks of fairness…nothing!

And because it isn’t “fair”…it should be illegal?

Therein lies the full plan of the Obama administration.

Create a class warfare based on fairness...and then legislate that anything not fair is illegal. Of course, the definition of fair can be manipulated….it is not a function of objectiveness.

Mr. Bach…you are the worst type of fool. You seem to be totally unaware of what you are supporting. You have no idea of the dangers ahead….you have no idea of how to be accountable for your own life…you have no idea of how the world works.

Your knowledge appears restricted to simply what you hear the Doofus-in-Chief sprouting…the sound bites of the main street media and the insane muttering of the left wing commentators.

You are no more than a parrot…repeating the insensible and the illogical…spreading your lack of knowledge far and wide…seducing other thoughtless fools to agree with you.

My friends, these are dangerous times…beware of fools like Cullen Bach…their ignorance appeals to the ignorant…and God knows America is full of the ignorant.

Stupid is as stupid says.


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